The Celo Group Mission
We are driven by our belief of globally accessible money and independent finance.
By building secure infrastructures to protect the network and provide professional guidance in the new Digital Asset world.
We provide you with a secure platform where your Celo gold is safe and you can earn interests without any worries
Your vote for us is important to keep our work going. A substantial part of the group income will be donated to Charity.

Hello! We are The Celo Group
The Celo Group is a cooperation between Newroad Network and Loop.
Everything we do, is rooted in the belief in the challenge to bring easily accessible resources for transactions to everybody who needs it and under their own terms. True independence.
Kasper the founder of Newroad Network.
We are company based in the Netherlands. Our main focus is securing networks, by running professional operated validators and bring real world data to the blockchain running oracle – node solutions. It is our core mission to use real resources
to support projects that we believe have an honest potential for improving markets to build a sustainable economic and environmental future.
Newroad Network was started with the belief in globally, easily accessible money and independent finance under the terms of its participants, the users themselves.
We feel that Celo can and will play an important role in this.
Loop Vietnam
Loop is based in Vietnam and makes your Crypto assets work for you by running fast, secure, stable validating nodes for PoS blockchain. Celo offers you a platform that can help you replace old physical currencies with cUSD - a stable currency pegged with real USD, which can be used to pay quickly and in a secure manner. We are confident that this co-operation and the Celo network, Is a good start to brings us closer to the goal. easily accessible finance and hasslefree validating.
If we can be of assistance with the voting procedure and help casting your vote, please do not hesitate to contact us. We can assist you by phone, email, Telegram, Discord, Facebook. We will find a way to connect. See contact details below.
Please do remember We will never ask you for your private keys or to transfer tokens!
Operation and Security
Validation & TestWe actively participated In all of the previous Celo testnet and currently run an active validator on the latest testnet. We test all of our procedures on the latest testnet to see if they still meet the requirements.
2 Separate locations
A/B sideWe have 2 identical setups on different locations for our validator. When the validator key is rotated we will be switched to the inactive location making it active on the next Epoch. This will give us the opportunity to do maintenance without downtime. This will also enable us to quickly and safely respond to unforeseen events.
Key Rotation And Storage
Secure validationOur validator key is kept secure on a hardware ledger.The ledger itself is stored offsite in our own safe located at an independent provider of professional safe deposit boxes. We will actively keep the validator signer key in rotation for increased security.
24/7 Monitoring
Frequently updatedAll of our infrastructure is monitored 24/7. This helps us adjust and update our systems where it is needed. In case of an occurence of a highly critical event, the on call duty engineer will be paged.
Why Celo?
The Celo project
Sometimes a video says more than words. Celo made am absolutely beautiful short video. This is why!

Support of local projects
Driven by the belief in globally accessible money and independent finance.
The Celo group really wants to support local project in regions where economic activity is not as prominent as in other parts of the world. Every 6 months we will take atleast 30% of our 8% group income and donate it to an organization that support such local projects. If you believe we should support a project you know or have setup a project yourself we would love to get in contact.
Contact UsThe Celo Group supports ChildsLife LEARN program
Education is the key to a better future - a future without poverty. Yet, millions of children around the world still do not go to school. Together we can bring change!
Only with the help of devoted supporters, like The Celo Group, ChildsLife is able to offer education to people living in extreme poverty. From kindergarten, primary school to secondary school, vocational training centre to afterschool education centre, ChildsLife builds schools, provides school furniture, teaching materials and school meals. ChildsLife guides schools towards self-sustainability with innovative and practical solutions such as the installation of greenhouses at schools. The education program also includes projects such as scholarships for girls, FGM prevention and business training for hiv mothers.
ChildsLife has helped thousands of children, adolescents and women to a better future though education.
ChildsLife is an experienced, compact and transparent NGO (headquartered in The Netherlands) offering hands-on, grass roots support through tailor made and small scale programs in East Africa and Eastern Europe. Together with local communities, ChildsLife builds solutions for sustainable futures. Futures without poverty.
Victoria at Maasai Oloropil primary school, Kenya. Built by ChildsLife 2019.